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D VC-16: P-VC Data Portal and links to CEOS Water Portal
P-VC Data Portal and links to CEOS Water Portal
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2015 Q1

Completion of Phase 2 of the P-VC Data Portal providing free and open availability of precipitation products in support of CEOS-GEO Actions WA-01-C1_3 and WA-01-C1_4.

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:

Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-07-21 10:29:56 UTC

(Update from June 2015 SIT Chair TagUp) It was agreed that VC-16 is just about to be closed as its now stands. However activity will continue as an on-going action focusing on simplifying and enhancing data access.

June 2015: The JAXA portal system interfaces are being finalized. The core code development on the NASA side of the P-VC Data Portal (PVCDP) interface is complete. The PVCDP server setup is in process, including firewall policy, account, web server, database server, as well as security check with a planned mid-July operations date. The portal name/URL has been identified and is in the process of approval by NASA. A Ground System Interface Meeting (GSIM) was held with JAXA in June 2015 to finalize the system interfaces and implementation schedule as well as resolve user authentication/authorization for accessing JAXA metadata harvest services. NOAA formally joined the PVCDP as a data partner in April 2015 and a kickoff meeting was held in May 2015. The schedule, system interfaces, data delivery method, and data format were agreed upon. The plan is for NOAA to have a system ready for integration with PVCDP by end of August 2015.

August 2015: The PVCDP server setup has been completed. The portal name/URL has been approved. The PVDCP Mediator (system interfaces deployed at a partner's system) has been sent to NOAA for integration with its own backend program. NOAA is currently completing its integration. Remaining PVCDP system interface implementation and test activities are on track for portal release and deployment by the end of September 2015. Deliverable VC-16 will be proposed for closure (September 30, 2015) although further refinement of the PVCDP and inclusion of additional data partner data sets will continue.

October 2015:? The PVCDP has been released and is deployed at Further refinement will continue including the addition of partner data sets.? Accordingly, this action should be closed.

2019-07-21 10:11:39 UTC

Formerly CEOS Action # WA-01-C1_4

2015-03-25 17:10:20 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC