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D VC-05: Greenhouse gas constellation coordination
Greenhouse gas constellation coordination
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2016 Q4

Continued coordination for the GHG Constellation following Action Items as defined in the CEOSStrategy-for-Carbon-Observations-from-Space report

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:

Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-07-21 10:29:56 UTC

(June 2015 SIT TagUp Update) Plans for a GHG constellation are being initiated, benefiting from the participation of NASA for OCO-2, Chinese representatives for TanSat, JAXA for GOSAT, CNES and DLR for Merlin and MicroCarb, and EUMETSAT for IASI and IRS. Level 2 algorithm comparison has started. Inter-calibration only involves NASA (OCO-2) and JAXA (GOSAT) for the time being. This will now continue as an on-going VC activity and the VC-05 action item, insofar as it is understood as initiating this coordination, can be CLOSED.

Discussions took place at the ACC-11 meeting, held 28-30 April, 2015. Presentations on many of the current and planned GHG measurement missions were made (e.g., GOSAT, OCO-2, TanSat, CarbonSat, Merlin, Microcarb, OCO-3, GOSAT-2). It was agreed that the AC-VC relevant actions from the CEOS Carbon Strategy be implemented by ACC participants. A draft implementation team was presented and agreed upon by ACC members:

  1. ACC to support the organisation of the yearly International Greenhouse Gas Measurement Workshop (IWGGMS) meetings
  2. Agree on an open data policy for GHG data from space and ground-based/in-situ data
  3. Share/agree on mission requirements
  4. Support thee establishment of a common product format (share specifications, metadata definition, etc.)
  5. Improve interaction/co-operation amoung space agencies on GHGs
  6. Ensure close interaction between AC-VC GHG and Air Quality constellation activities
  7. Support the establishment of common cal/val standards (pre-calibration procedures, algorithm intercomparisons, traceability information, common spectroscopy)
  8. Undertake best efforts to add future GHG satellites that overlap with existing satellite missions by at least one year for improved spatial and temporal coverage
  9. Support the continuation/possible extension of the TCCON network
  10. Ensure linkage to insitu and other?over-arching?activities (e..g, Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information system)



2015-03-25 17:10:20 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:35 UTC