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D AGRI-05: Data Services Prototypes
Data Services Prototypes
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2016 Q4

Acquisition of observations is a key enabler of the success of GEOGLAM. Implementation of appropriate data services systems to enable such data to be processed and analysed to produce actionable products is also critical, and has historically presented a range of challenges, particularly when the goal is implementation of operational systems.

Two prototype projects, one supporting JECAM and the other Asia-RiCE, are being implemented to explore different approaches to addressing these challenges. Lessons learned will be reported at the CEOS Plenary Meeting.

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Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-07-21 10:29:56 UTC

April 2015: The SEO continues to make progress in the development of data services to support JECAM and Asia-RICE. The JECAM system will be released in mid-2015 to support a SAR intercomparison study among several test sites. The Asia-RICE system will be expanded to include all Asia-RICE test sites and allow sharing of data across those sites. Further updates will be provided in late 2015.

December 2015: The Asia-Rice data services continues to be utilized and tested. It is expected this project will continue through 2016 with an expansion of datasets to include Sentinel-1A. The JECAM data services system was not completed in 2015 due to a lack of requirements and a lack of cloud-based computing. Agri-Food Canada is planning to supply cloud-based resources for the JECAM system in 2016 from Microsoft. A new task will be created for this work.

2015-03-25 17:10:20 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC