Once the gap analysis has been completed, a coordinated action plan will be developed to: Create the conditions for delivering further climate data records from existing observational data by targeting processing gaps/shortfalls/opportunities (e.g., cross-calibration, reprocessing) and Optimize the planning of future satellite missions and constellations to expand existing and planned climate data records, in terms of both coverage and record length, and to address gaps with respect to GCOS requirements
Given the WGClimate experience now gained with the EVC assessment and gap ayalysis steps, we must reconsiderhow to best achieve an action plan. WGClimate will be bringing this topic to the SIT Technical Workshop and CEOS Plenary ?for discussion. IT should be noted that GCOS is currently in its review cycle of producing a status report and in 2016 will produce an implementation plan. One approach may be to use the formulation of the upcoming GCOS implementation plan as a shared action plan with WGClimate.