The CEOS Carbon Subgroup (recommended in Carbon-Action-38) will develop guidelines for appropriate data use of satellite data and data products.? This will require improved interactions between the carbon cycle community and the satellite community; comprehensive review of the current use of data products, including current data limitations; and reconciliation of methodological differences and spatial compatibility.? Such interactions may include co-sponsorship of joint workshops targeting specific data needs and investment in community product assessments, especially for key intercomparison exercises.
Not yet started.
From principles, AI-35 is similar to AI-32 but related to space-based data products. Please follow AI32.
Please note that the principle goal of QA4EO is the development of guidelines for satellite data and products which implies the appropriate data use.
WGCV is able to provide also input (validation results reflecting limitations in usage) within its product portfolio
In addition note that some dedicated workshops are in place (IWGGMS or IGCOS workshop in September)