CEOS will reinforce the mechanisms already in place in CEOS for all domains (WGCV, and VCs, and WG Climate) and clarify their responsibilities to ensure intercomparison activities are well-coordinated and effective.
So far intercomparison activities are part of CEOS entities different aspects of intercomparison are in the foreground. The focus of WGClimate is set to climate data records starting with the ECV inventory. The focus in WGCV intercomparison is on the product to product intercomparison, mainly on level 1 (radiance level) but also on level 2 products. At the latter with emphasis to validation. The focus of VCs is usually on a specific target quantity in order to discuss the advancing of a product development. However, a first discussion will be also about the understanding between the different entities on the VC/WG day before the SIT workshop in September 2014.