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A CARB-08-32: Assessment of the provision of validation data and identification of additional validation sources
Assessment of the provision of validation data and identification of additional validation sources
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2017 Q4

For each of the relevant variables in each of the domains CEOS will work with the carbon science community to assess the current provision of validation data in terms of quality (defined by protocols (e.g., WGCV LAI protocol) and or maturity matrices (e.g., WG Climate)) and spatial and temporal coverage.? This work should identify potential additional sources and develop a strategy to improve global in situ data distributions in relation to satellite validation and model parameterization. It should also exploit existing infrastructures to develop key intensive collection sites.

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Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-07-21 10:29:50 UTC

All Carbon Action Items currently under lead of WGCV are under assessment in order to

  • align the WGCV work plan adequately
  • coordinate with ither CEOS entities
  • identify and coordinate with external bodies if needed
  • identify dedicated alignment to a specific sub-group if possible
  • identify cross-cutting or fundamental items related over the whole WGCV to align with existing WGCV taks (for example: validation metrics) or to implement a cross-cutting task within WGCV and others involved bodies if needed.

Assessment is nearly complete but the consolidation/merging of different input into one work plan is ongoing.

Results: Several action items are fully/partially aligned to ongoing work on sub-group level and to cross-cutting tasks or action items in the WGCV.

Hint: some of action items don't directly translate; some can be combined. An adequate alignment matrix will be provided with the consolidation of the assessment.

2019-07-21 10:12:17 UTC

The action items covers two aspects:

(i) requirements for data quality by the carbon community;

(ii) the ability of validation data providers to deliver the required data quality.

The confrontation path between both is a inventory/gap analysis.

For particular products (example LAI) the analysis was the starting point to identify; the logical follow up from such guideline/protocol is usually the identification which is suggested as outcome from the AI.

It shall be noted that different steps must be included: The definition of protocols and adequate maturity matrix schemes as pre-requisite, the requirements wrt products by the carbon community as input; the set-up of a database similar to an inventory (which may exist for some of the products); analysis of the validation/database input against the requirements and the suggested criteria.

WGCV, WGC and VC can provide input for protocols/benchmarks. The suggested analyses may overrun the scope of those since their original foci are with the product validation and assessment.

However, it shall be noted that CEOS agencies are also leading in international? cooperations/workshops, etc. which do discuss some aspects of the AI. Example the IWGGMS is not only discussing the measurements from space but also the combination with in-situ data, the validation of space data, and the need for the carbon model community on different scales.

NB: The maturity matrix metrics is studied in different projects (for example: European Commission CORE-CLIMAX, QA4ECV projects) and subject to adaptation for different applications. Those activities has been presented to the last WGCV plenary with the aim to check for further application studies in the context of Cal/Val and? product QA. The second part of this action requires close collaboration with the Carbon science community.

2015-04-20 20:40:23 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:35 UTC