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A CARB-08-07: Encouragement agencies to expand in-situ observations required for calibration of land products
Encouragement agencies to expand in-situ observations required for calibration of land products
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2017 Q4

CEOS and CEOS Agencies will encourage national and international agencies to improve and expand upon the availability of the in situ observations needed for the calibration and validation of satellite land data products used for carbon science.? This will include coordinating with national and international agencies collecting in situ data to 1) assess the quality and coverage (spatial and temporal) of validation data and 2) employ design features that entice data sharing and provide safeguards.

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:

Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-07-21 10:29:50 UTC

All Carbon Action Items currently under lead of WGCV are under assessment in order to

  • align the WGCV work plan adequately
  • coordinate with ither CEOS entities
  • identify and coordinate with external bodies if needed
  • identify dedicated alignment to a specific sub-group if possible
  • identify cross-cutting or fundamental items related over the whole WGCV to align with existing WGCV taks (for example: validation metrics) or to implement a cross-cutting task within WGCV and others involved bodies if needed.

Assessment is nearly complete but the consolidation/merging of different input into one work plan is ongoing.

Results: Several action items are fully/partially aligned to ongoing work on sub-group level and to cross-cutting tasks or action items in the WGCV.

Hint: some of action items don't directly translate; some can be combined. An adequate alignment matrix will be provided with the consolidation of the assessment.

2019-07-21 10:12:17 UTC

CEOS Agencies are working in and with nation-wide and international networks for in-situ measurements. Dedicated networks are usually partner by the CEOS WGCV and LSI VC of CEOS in order to retrieve validation or "ground truth" data records.

It shall be noted that baseline sites are needed to have auxiliary data collection of aerosol, water vapor and ozone (sun-photometer and/or mini-spectrometer) for addressing the retrieval uncertainties resulting from the atmospheric corrections.

In addition standard / validation / QA protocols must be established to ensure the assessments of quality and coverage.

2015-04-20 15:25:11 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:35 UTC