CEOS Agencies with interests in and/or mandates for developing multi-sensor, multi-mission time series data products for the land (and ocean) will strive to ensure consistent, well-calibrated, bias-free satellite time-series carbon products are produced and continued into the future.? They will coordinate their efforts in consultation with relevant CEOS WGs and VCs to ensure appropriate merging of data and products from multiple sensors.
All Carbon Action Items currently under lead of WGCV are under assessment in order to
Assessment is nearly complete but the consolidation/merging of different input into one work plan is ongoing.
Results: Several action items are fully/partially aligned to ongoing work on sub-group level and to cross-cutting tasks or action items in the WGCV.
Hint: some of action items don't directly translate; some can be combined. An adequate alignment matrix will be provided with the consolidation of the assessment.
There are ECV efforts by CEOS Agencies and GCOS. But accomplishing this action will require cohesive plan and investment to achieve multi-sensor and multi-mission products.?